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If you are covered by the DMO's private drone insurance, you are allowed to fly FPV flights in Germany up to a height of 30 m without a spotter.

The increase applies to all new customers and, of course, to all existing customers.

Flight restriction areas will be established at the venues for the European Men's Football Championship (UEFA EURO 2024).

We are pleased to inform you that we are now cooperating with the German Model Aviation Association (DMFV).

It pays to recommend us: We want to say thank you and are launching our bonus program today!

Do you fly your drone in your free time? You need insurance that is specially tailored to flying drones. We inform you about these and other benefits…

What insurance do I need for a drone under 250 g? Do I have to register the drone? Which driver's license do I need? We know the answers!

The world of drones has developed rapidly in recent years, and they are playing an increasingly important role in various industries.

From October 10-12, leading experts and innovators will gather to present and discuss the latest developments for UAVs.

For 40 years now, we have been your specialist insurance broker for model sports and drone liability insurance. We look back at the beginnings!